90 Day Challenge: Day 30 – How To Stay Focused


Distractions are all around us and if you are not careful you’ll take your eyes off your prized. Well, today I want to share with you 3 simple things that you should take in consideration if you want to regain or become more focused. Go ahead check out day 30 video I would love to hear from you.

Challenge Yourself!

Challenge Yourself!

I will tell you up front, you cannot be everywhere and if that is what you choose to do you will only be stretching yourself too thin. By you stretching yourself thin, you will not be able to give your undivided attention to any particular task. Whatever you focus on is what you’ll bring about but if you are not focused on anything in particular, what will you be bringing about?

“Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them.” – Jack Canfield

You will have to check your focus because if you allow distractions to take up all your time soon or later you may start to think or believe that your goal is not reachable. In fact, focused or not your 24 hours in each day will be used up and it will be sad if you can’t give a count for any meaningful thing that you have done.

Therefore, it is important that you check your focus to see what you are spending all your time on. It is possible to get more out of life but you have to become very conscious of the things that you allow to take up all your attention. Because whatever you FOCUS on will be driving your life. Choose carefully! Also, nothing worthwhile ever accomplished without focus.

The 3 things that you can do to make sure that you stay focused are:

  1. Eliminate the distractions – distractions can be anything from the people you choose to surround yourself with to social media or anything else that distracts you from staying focused on your goal.
  2. Get clear on what you want – if you don’t know where you are going any road that comes up you may end up on that road but to later finding that you don’t want to be on that road. It’s time to have some clarity.
  3. Learn to say NO – this is a challenge for a lot of people but you have to know that you cannot be everywhere at the same time. Don’t feel bad for saying NO especially if you have something working on and you need to give what you are doing you undivided attention – you will have to tell some people no. Plain and simple!

“You must remain focused on your journey to greatness.” –Les Brown

Being focused helps with increasing your productivity.

How do you stay focused?


Thank you for your support!

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4 responses to “90 Day Challenge: Day 30 – How To Stay Focused

  1. Hi Richard you are laser focused. Thanks for your 3 tips for success

  2. Richard, I find this subject particularly critical for me as a new small business owner. Every hour of every day takes tremendous effort and focus, especially in the early stages when establishing an identity and recognition in my chosen field is essential.

    There are endless distractions in our lives, both personal and career/professionally. We can defeat ourselves while using distraction as an excuse…or we can eliminate those distractions and, as you so aptly emphasize, re-focus on what is important, what we derive success from and build on that as the cornerstones of our business/goal building blocks. I have to remind myself every day to filter out the distraction as it is ever-present and much of it in a highly negative way.

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