Tag Archives: Think Positively of Others

You’ll Never Be Satisfied By Envying The Next Person

man envying another

Image courtesy of Forbes

Why do we envy others when we should show respect and admiration when they are making progress?

Envy is not strength, but weakness and by pulling others down you are pulling yourself down by default.

What in your life are you grateful for? When was the last time you took the time to appreciate what you have in your life? There is something that you can celebrate no matter how small it may seem. There is something of significance about you. There is something amazing about you that is waiting for you to recognized, but you must know that begin envious will not bring satisfaction to your life. You may feel good for a moment, but what we want is satisfaction.

“Blowing out the other person’s candle will not make yours shine brighter.”Unknown

You are going find people out there that are naturally better that you and I. Envying another person for what they can do better or what they have accomplished is not a healthy practice. For one, what they are now enjoying may take them a long time. Are you willing to do what it takes to have what you want? You too have something of significance buried within.

Then again, when we envy others we blind ourselves from our own greatness because our time is not spent doing things that will uplift our own life or others.

Our associations

Don’t allow those who spend most of their time envying others to trap you into their way of thinking. Being envious is not healthy. Guard your mind!

You and I have a choice, but sometimes we allow others to influence us to engaged in unhealthy practices. There are people who spend most of their time valuing the wrong things in life. If you keep spending most of your time with those who value the wrong thing you’ll find yourself off course, being negative and even develop low self-esteem. 

“People who can’t stand to see the success of others will not get to experience their own.”Unknown

It is wise to associate yourself with those who talk positively about others and their successes. As a matter of fact, we can all learn something from those who have achieved their goals.

What are you doing to influence others positively?


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